SEE BELOW FOR LOCATION: This event gets bigger every year with multi volunteer organizations taking part. I have been personally involved for years and I  have met some great people thru thus day. Get Involved, have fun and help the environment

Gene Lane adds an auto wheel to the miscellaneous trash stack below Massengill Bridge. (Wayne Nobles photo)

The third annual Big Clinch River Cleanup will be Saturday, July 25—and the first 125 volunteers to register can enjoy a big free breakfast at 8 a.m. at Museum of Appalachia, 2819 Andersonville Highway in Norris. Everyone who enjoys the river, from anglers to kayakers to wildlife watchers, is invited to help remove litter. Very important: Volunteers are asked to register in advance, so we’ll be sure to have enough breakfast and so we can pre-plan our attack on debris. Online registration is available now by clicking here.The event will be held rain or shine (in case of severe weather, the breakfast will be served but volunteers will stay on shore). The cleanup will wrap up about 2 p.m.What Volunteers Can Expect All volunteers will be provided with gloves, litter grabbers, trash bags, water and snack bars; it’s also advisable to bring along a hat, sunscreen and bug repellent. Several levels of work are available:* From large boats: People in powerboats or drift boats will work in deep water, hauling out tires and other large objects with big hooks on ropes. This is dirty, heavy work that requires strength and a healthy back. Two to three volunteers will work in each boat. Free shuttle service will be provided for boaters’ vehicles and trailers.* From paddle boats: People in canoes, kayaks and other small craft will clean along the shoreline by wading in shallow water or going ashore to remove litter trapped by downed trees, snags and gravel bars. The water is cold, so hip boots or knee-high rubber boots are suggested. Free shuttle service will be provided for paddlers’ vehicles.* In water on foot: Volunteers with hip boots or waders can join teams wading both sides of Miller Island, from the parking lot downstream to Massengill Bridge, picking up trash in the water and along the adjacent shoreline. The water is cold, so the hip boots or waders are advisable.* On land: Above the water line, teams will pick up trash along roads and in parking areas. Long pants, long-sleeved shirts and sturdy shoes or boots are recommended.* Support for all the teams will be supplied by a fifth group including emergency medical people, ham radio operators, tire disposal professionals and volunteers with trucks who will collect and dispose of filled trash bags. If you have questions, contact Buzz Buffington at buzz.buffington@gmail.com or (865) 463-7167, or Jim Ferguson at jimferguson41@gmail.com or (865) 494-8081.