Letter From Chapter President

                                   (picture by Brett Winchel-GSM member)


Just like when you were a child summer is flying by, July even with it's hot days it gave us enough rain to keep the Smokies streams filled most of the time. I hope everyone has had a chance to get out this month and wet a line! I saw this quote in Sports Illustrated this weekend by Steve Rushin, and even though a baseball reference regarding August I  think it is a perfect description; "Suddenly you've set foot in August, summer's warning track, the last 10 feet before the padded wall of fall".

We have had two great events this month and I want to thank everyone who has come out to participate in one or both of them. There was also stream sampling in the park this month led by our own Charlie Chmielewski that had several chapter members helping. The cookout at River John's with the Little River TU was great with a good turn-out. Mike Bryant the president of Little River TU and I hit Lynn Camp Prong at daybreak and got to fish in the rain for a large part of the morning. We kept telling ourselves it was gonna stop and be perfect for the cookout and sure enough it stopped right before the cookout. (See more and pictures in article below)

Saturday, July 25th was the Clinch River clean-up sponsored for the third year by the Clinch River TU. This event once again had over 100 volunteers working hard doing the dirty work of cleaning up after others that treat our woods and streams as a personal dumping ground. Again thanks to our members who came out and helped! (See more and pictures in article below)

August is a busy time for families getting that last summer trip in with kids and grandkids and preparing for the new school year. I remember when school started at Labor  Day or later, maybe that is why I still have to work for a living. If I had spent more time in school instead of playing outside all summer, riding bikes and wading creeks with my friends I could be retired. Nope..... no thanks my childhood memories will last longer than a 401K.

Keeping everyone's busy August schedule in mind, our next meeting will be Thursday September 17th, more details to follow as we get closer. I hope everyone's remaining summer is what you wished for and look for me in the water somewhere chasing those next happy memories!

John Reinhardt


Great Smoky Mountain #047 

(picture provided by Brett Winchell-GSM member)