"Get out and isolate in the great outdoors!"


Letter From Chapter President


Summer's here n' the time is right for fishin & grillin... and that's exactly what we have coming up the next couple of months!


First up is our annual River John's picnic with the Little River TU chapter taking place on Thursday July 23rd 2020 on the banks of the Little River. This event has become one of our best times of the summer. River John's is one of the most unique places in our area and has been our host for years for this great summer evening event. Please see the article below for all the details.


Next up on Sunday August 9th, 2020 is our "Day on the Water" in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park at Metcalf Bottoms. We will be at the Picnic pavilion all day from 9am till 6pm for fishin, grillin and chillin. Stay for the day or just a little while, it's up to you. We will have a hot dog lunch and fixins. Please see the article below for all the details.


We are excited to announce the date for one of our biggest events of the year. Saturday September 19th, 2020 is the official date for the "Battle of Gatlinburg" One Fly Tournament. This is one of the fastest tournaments in America where anglers compete in a three hour shootout in downtown Gatlinburg with only one fly allowed. As always winners will receive cash awards and great gear from our sponsors. Registration will start soon and more details are below.


In closing please follow us on the GSM TU Facebook page and chapter website. The Great Smoky Mountain Facebook page is best and fastest way to stay up to date with current chapter information or changes.


GSM TU Facebook:


John Reinhardt
