Letter From Chapter President
Happy Holidays to everyone! As December races forward to the festive season, I want to thank you for your continued support of our chapter. This year has been one of the most enjoyable and exciting times in Trout Unlimited for me. Serving as your president and being re-elected for another year is something I take very seriously. The members who have attended and volunteered at our meetings, events, and projects know just as important for me is to maintain an element of fun and fellowship. In the course of accomplishing the TU mission of conservation and helping others; enjoying our time together is a primary goal. The past year has been filled with every type of event from camp-outs, to fundraisers and perhaps my personal favorite; November's meeting with Walter Babb!
Our continued effort to work with the Little River and Clinch River TU chapters is paying off and is very evident if you come to our chapter meetings. The members of these chapters are not only attending but helping with our events and projects, I strongly encourage you to attend their meetings and events as well. The combined membership of these three chapters bring us close to a thousand TU members in our region. My motto has always been "Chapters without Borders", and will always remain a focus. We are a national organization and through the combined efforts of the local three chapters we make our area and chapters a TU model for the country. You can be very proud of that and give yourselves a pat on the back!
The New Year will bring us many new opportunities, from working with the University of Tennessee-Knoxville chapter of "VOLS on the FLY", a new group of TU organized college students to even more exciting meetings and outdoor events. The TU Southeast Regional meeting will be on the weekend of May 20, 2016 in Roanoke, VA. I am on the planning committee again this year and I want to remind you as a member this event is open to all. I enjoyed last year's meeting in Asheville, NC and was encouraged to see and meet other chapter members from across the south, Make our chapter part of your New Year's resolutions and get involved for the first time or if it has been a while, join us again!
As we proceed into the holidays and the new year I am asking for your help and support for our chapter. Please see the articles below, the first is for our next meeting on Thursday, January 21st, 2016 at the Blackhorse Pub & Brewery in Knoxville. The "IRON MAN FLY CONTEST"; it will be the most unique chapter meeting you have ever seen in this area. Read below for more details, come out "Challenge the Fly" and help us sponsor a child for 2016's Trout Camp in the Smokies!
The second request is to please read the article for contributing to our chapter budget below. Chapters can receive money for grants for conservation from national TU but when it comes to our chapter budget it is up to us. We need your help to fund our budget for 2016 and we are reaching out to you the members!
Have a wonderful and safe holiday with your family and friends and again thanks for your continued support!
John Reinhardt
Email to : john711111@yahoo.com