October has always been one of my favorite times of year with less crowds on the water, cooler temperatures and beautiful Smoky Mountain scenery, it is arguably the best time of the year. Camping in the mountains in the fall is a double bonus with brook trout fishing amid the falling leaves while sitting by the campfire at night with friends. Here is hoping everyone takes the time to enjoy what a blessing we have where we live.
We are excited to have as our guest presenter at the next GSM TU chapter meeting on Thursday October 21st Matt Kulp, Supervisory Fishery Biologist in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Matt through his work has enabled Trout Unlimited to be a part of many projects in the Park and we always look forward to his visits to our chapter. Join us at 6PM at Dead End BBQ for an evening of great food and conversation as we welcome Matt Kulp back, see the article below for more information.
Our congratulations and thanks also goes out to the competitors and volunteers at the “Battle of Gatlinburg 2021” on September 25th in downtown Gatlinburg. It was another great year of competition with perfect weather and stream conditions as the anglers battled it out for cash and prizes. In addition to our sponsors, we have to thank the City of Gatlinburg for their help along with the hard work of Travis Williams and his staff at the Gatlinburg hatchery who provided the trout for the event. Tip of the hat also to our long serving sponsors TFO Rods, Smoky Mountain Angler, Little River Outfitters, 3 Rivers Angler and Dead End BBQ.
In closing we want to thank you for your continued support as we adapt and adjust to holding in person chapter meetings. As always you never have to be a Trout Unlimited member to attend any Great Smoky Mountain chapter meeting or event.
Remember to follow us on the GSM TU Facebook page and the chapter website. The Great Smoky Mountain Facebook page is the best way to follow us for the latest chapter information and any changes.
GSM TU FACEBOOK: http://m.facebook. com/GreatSmokyMountainTU/
John Reinhardt