You're Invited To July 9 TN Council Meeting And BBQ-CANEY FORK RIVER
See below: Caney River Meeting Information about the upcoming State TU Meeting july 9th. Be sure and see contact links for registering topics or for the BBQ that follows.
Dear Tennessee Trout Unlimited Member,
You, as a Tennessee TU member, are also a member of the Tennessee Council of Trout Unlimited—so here’s an invitation: Please join us at the summer council meeting on Saturday, July 9, graciously hosted by the Cumberland Chapter.
Why should you go? To find out how your money’s being spent, to put faces with the names of your state officers, to see what the council does, to compete in a just-for-fun casting contest ... to take an active part at the heart of Tennessee Trout Unlimited.
The council meeting starts at 9 a.m. at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) meeting facility near Cookeville (directions below). All Tennessee TU members and all trout campers are welcome to take part.
Key agenda items are approval of the FY 2016-17 budget and election of council officers and of the National Leadership Council representative. If you have other items for the agenda, please send them to Mike Bryant by June 9 or (513) 697-9576 so the agenda can be posted at
After the meeting, the Cumberland Chapter will host attendees at the annual chapter barbecue at Long Branch Recreation Area below Center Hill Dam on the scenic Caney Fork River. If you plan to attend, please notify Roger Hamiter by June 25 or (615) 627-6620, to make sure there’ll be plenty of barbecue, baked beans, slaw, potato salad and banana pudding for everyone.
* Directions to the USACE meeting facility: Take I-40 to exit 268 and head south on TN 96 (Medley Amonette Rd) for 4+ miles. At the intersection with TN 141, turn right on TN 96/141; go about 0.3 mile, bear right and continue for about 200 yards to the meeting place.
* Directions to the barbecue: Return to TN 96/141 and turn right. Follow TN 96/141 across Center Hill Dam and turn right on TN 141; go about 0.4 mile and turn right on Lancaster Road. The picnic pavilion is about 500 feet on the left.
Hope you'll be able to join us,
Dick Geiger, Council Chair