Reduced Stream Flows

  1. Ninemile Valley Abandoned Mine Restoration


    Perhaps no place in Montana illustrates a more striking juxtaposition between an iconic fishery nestled within an over-exploited landscape than the Clark Fork watershed.

  2. Big Wood River Restoration Project


    On Idaho's Big Wood River, Trout Unlimited is working to restore the river to make it a place for wild trout to thrive. Working with local anglers and local landowners, TU is working with local schools and volunteers to improve the river.

  3. Wenatchee Instream Flow Enhancement Project


    Trout Unlimited’s Pioneer Pump Exchange Project improves instream flow in the lower Wenatchee River to improve passage and decrease critical temperature barriers at the confluence with the Columbia and Wenatchee Rivers.  The Wenatchee River is home to a variety of salmon and trout including Upper

  4. Bitterroot River Restoration Project


    The Bitterroot River drains 2,889 square miles in the Bitterroot and Sapphire mountain ranges in southwestern Montana.

  5. Improving streamflows in Central Valley rivers for salmon and steelhead


    The Bay-Delta Water Quality Control Plan process now in progress before the California State Water Resources Control Board presents a unique opportunity to secure adequate streamflows for cold-water fish below large reservoirs on major tributaries to the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers.   These

  6. Methow River: Chewuch Instream Flow Project


    The goal of Trout Unlimited’s Chewuch River Permanent Instream Flow Project is to reduce the effects of irrigation withdrawals on late summer through winter low-flows in the lower eight miles of the Chewuch River.

    The goal of Trout Unlimited’s Chewuch River Permanent Instream Flow Project is to reduce the effects of irrigation withdrawals on late summer through winter low-flows in the lower eight miles of the Chewuch River.

  7. South Fork of the Snake River


    Reconnecting and Restoring a Native Trout Treasure

    Reconnecting and Restoring a Native Trout Treasure

  8. Pennsylvania coldwater habitat restoration program


    Throughout Pennsylvania, native brook trout are at risk. Pressures from poor land management, natural resource development, and other problems have impacted fish populations and reduced fishing opportunities throughout the state.  

    Throughout Pennsylvania, native brook trout are at risk. Pressures from poor land management, natural resource development, and other problems have impacted fish populations and reduced fishing opportunities throughout the state.  

  9. Stanley Marsh Wetland Restoration and Induced Beaver Partnership Project


    Goals of this project are to:

    Goals of this project are to:

  10. Lewis & Clark River Passage Project


    Goals of this project are to:

    Goals of this project are to:


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